Adjusters enjoy utilizing our service because we are detail-oriented and provide high quality Room Image Reports, Detailed Scope Sheets, Scanned Forms, Digitized Documentation and Inventories, ContentsTrack standard pricing, and link to the job file in our project management system.
An Insurance Carrier’s desire is to ensure that the property, and it’s contents, are repaired or replaced to “Pre Loss Condition” after a loss has happened. As Contents Specialists, our training and capabilities surpass the traditional full-service contractor when handling the personal property correctly and ensuring the environmental hazards are address properly. This training allows our specialists to properly clean and repair items that the less knowledgeable would deem “non-salvageable.”
As hospitals are areas that require the most cleanly and bacteria-free workspace, it is highly beneficial for them to utilize Contents Cleaning companies whenever they have a fire, water, or mold instance. Traditionally, hospitals will utilize their in-house staff to package, move and clean the items during a floor renovation or water, fire, mold instance; but this can cause a variety of problems.
It is crucial for businesses to maintain the ability to work during the cleaning process of their structural property. Our company has been able to provide Business Relocation services in order to enable them to continue work with little interruptions. We are able to set up and network the computers at a different location or at an on-site mobile work area. Our staff is knowledgeable in removing, testing, repairing and setting-up office electronics.
When people are moved into, or out of temporary living facilities, it is beneficial to have a company who will inventory and digitally document the whereabouts of their possessions. Government Facilities
When Deployment time comes there are a lot of on-site bases that need to safely remove and store the contents of the home. Our company inventories, packages and removed these items to a secure storage to wait for the owner’s return.
You may have contacted a Contractor first before a cleaning company and we’re here to work side-by-side with you and them whenever you need us. All we want to do is take the liability off of your shoulders and perform the contents services to their necessary protocol.