Contents Pros Improve your Bottom Line
There is an article nestled in the archives of Property Casualty 360 (the magazine for insurance professionals), that says in part,“…if pack-outs are handled correctly, they can save insurers millions and allow the insured to keep a much higher proportion of their property… “
One winner of the RIA’s Golden Quill award adds, “Trained contents specialists improve the adjuster’s bottom line on virtually every assignment they receive. They do it so well and without fanfare that the adjusters and agents aren’t surprised by it anymore.
“They have come to expect that, ‘The contents pros don’t cost, they save.’
“There aren’t many professionals who can say that in any industry.”
The pros pack, clean, disinfect, repair, restore and much more. They improve your final figures and they even help get policies renewed. And that is why they are so valued by adjusters and agents lucky enough to find them.