4 Reminders for Cleaning Valet during the Start of Every Project
Article written by Adam Webster
Restoration professionals are in a 24 hour, seven days a week, 365 days a year service. On top of that, they are expected to be on site within minutes of receiving a phone call. Many professionals find themselves in a fog of chaos during the restoration process, especially in the early stages of the project. While it is understandable that things need to move quickly, unnecessary damage caused by a restoration company can cause significant setbacks for the contractor, as well as the insured and insurance carrier. Below are some things to be cognizant of during the early stages of restoration projects to limit unnecessary setbacks.
Proper Pack-Outs
Many restoration contractors have gotten the phone call from a property owner claiming that they broke or stole something in the property. Whether or not these claims are true, doesn’t really matter at that point; the contractor has to deal with the situation and make things right. Typical mistakes mitigation companies can make include improper documentation of personal items, improper packaging of fragile items, and trying to process items that should be handled by another vendor, such as soft goods or electronics. Taking the extra time and properly packing out a property will significantly reduce these types of headaches and improve customer satisfaction.
In-Place Drying
The adage of “If in doubt, rip it out!” doesn’t always apply within the restoration industry. With the different technologies and drying methods available, contractors can preserve properties better than ever. Methods such as double extraction on the carpet, blocking, and padding furniture. And using pressurized drying systems, are some of the common methods employed to adequately mitigate damages, keep costs down, and reduce cycle times for completion. Always take the extra time on the emergency service call to be thorough, especially when it comes to extraction. This will reduce completion times and mitigate further damage. Remember, quicker cycle times and lower costs result in happier customers.
Avoid Cross-Contamination
When contractors rush through projects, they end up getting called back out to do work they already did due to poor performance. It’s common to call back out to a mold remediation project. Because of a failed post-clearance or having to re-clean contents that are processing on a fire loss because of dirty items mix with clean. Whenever working in a clean environment. Technicians need to be aware of their surroundings and make sure to follow proper protocol. Failure to follow protocol is usually a result of poor management. If managers take the extra time to ensure cleaning and remediation projects completed properly. They can make sure that the work is done right the first time.
Preserve Relationships
Restoration companies are in the business of protecting properties, but they can’t do it alone. Contractors should not forget that while there is a job to do, bridges should not be burned in the process. Many times contractors lose sight of the picture and damage relationships in the course of business. Whether it’s with an adjuster battling overpricing, or a sub-contractor that shows up late to the project. These people are all important to the success of the company. Taking extra time to connect with these individuals will pay dividends, rather than butting heads for the sake of being “right.” Remember, people continue to do business with people they like and respect.