Contents Valet Make Adjusters Jobs Easier
Most insurance companies need some sort of photo-inventory to justify a “total-loss,” and are happily surprised when the contents valet provide them with 360 degree digital images of each affected room along with special attention paid to high value items and to those that cannot be restored.
We also provide a full description of the damaged article(s) and a signed document from the owner granting permission for the item(s) to be discarded. This saves the adjuster a great deal of time and effort, gives the owner piece of mind.
The description might be something as simple as, “10-year-old couch was submerged in 3 feet of water and remained saturated.” Or it might be more complex, explaining the extent of mold, or the quality of the water that contaminated it.
Without the contents valet, such tasks might fall to the adjuster on the case. But with them, the insurance professional finds a skilled ally who helps with some of the day to day burdens.