Deeply Serious Protocols
Some of the articles in this issue may give the false impression that we are cavalier in our attitudes toward this very serious virus.
We aren’t – we are confident.
When we say that experts tell us it has a less than 2% fatality rate – we know that it took someone’s life. If a shopping mall administrator calls and asks us to “…decontaminate the entire mall, before opening tomorrow,” we will calmly and clearly explain the drawbacks to such a request.
We come to these assignments with full PPE equipment and meticulous training. And if the job at hand is not right for us – we’ll refer you to a company we respect.
We also will have special releases and paperwork along with guarantees as to what we can and cannot do for the client and insurance company.
We guarantee our work absolutely. But with a highly contagious disease, we know that the infection came from somewhere and it may return to a perfectly sanitized home or office from a source no one could have predicted.
We always do the extraordinary – and we don’t make promises we can’t keep.