Exclusively Contents are solution-oriented
If you have read our past issues of Contents Solutions, you already know that the contents professionals have saved huge sums for their clients – like the fire damaged electronics from a university fire that took many days to clean and restore, but university officials estimated that they saved $4,000,000 on that one job.
Or the American “castle” where millions were saved when the contents valet turned an indoor basketball court into the world’s largest vortex drying complex.
Or the contractor who restored $35,000 worth of figurines that the adjuster was prepared to “cash out.”
But we also restore contaminated flatware, teddy bears, a child’s Batman collection; the aging, paperback works of a once well-known mystery writer that an outraged grandpa demanded to be restored even though the adjuster felt it was worth only yard sale prices.
The point is, there are very few jobs that are beyond the capabilities of the contents valet, mostly because they have a secret “weapon.” They are trained early on to have and to use their creative abilities.
When they are faced with a metaphorical “brick wall,” they use their collective minds to find an answer to the challenge.
Untrained workers tend to focus on the problems before them, the contents professionals focus on solutions.